The 20130702 beta release of the D-Star repeaters

Hi Folks

The 20130702 beta release of the D-Star repeater has just been made. It can be
found in the Files -> Beta area of the Yahoo! group. The changes relative to the
last beta release are:

1. Added daemon info to the logs. This is being done to all of my software so I
can see the version and type more easily in the logs.

2. Changes to the internal buffering. It's a little simpler now, and that makes
me happy. I like to keep things as simple as possible.

3. Remove the Analogue Repeater from the Repeater package.

4. Remove the DCSGateway, DExtraGateway, and ParrotController from the Repeater

5. Add a DC blocker to the sound card GMSK demodulator. This should help people
who have a DC component on the incoming audio, on normal audio this isn't much
of an issue, but on D-Star it can make the GMSK demodulator less sensitive. This
change affects the Sound Card Repeater and the sound card support in the D-Star

6. Implement GMSK PLL locking. This is only implemented in the sound card
support of the D-Star Repeater and mimics the way that GMSK demodulator chips
work, I hope. Not that Icom implement it on their repeater units :-)

And that's it. The SVN revision of this is 507, could package maintainers only
use this SVN revision for the 20130702 beta release of the D-Star repeaters.

Jonathan G4KLX